Sometimes when I read your postings a song wants to come out of me. I wonder if this is like the drum beat, echoing in my heart or perhaps like the rippling of waves cause by a stone cast into water. Either way, here is the echo, my small contribution of blessing the nine sacred streams and four holy directions.
In joy.....Mary Bee (be merry)
Say a prayer to last awhile
SAy a prayer to make me smile
Cast the prayer upon a breeZe
Let it bring me to me knees
Humbled now forever more
As I wash upon the shore
Of golden beaches shining clear
Not a note to shed a tear
Sparkling waves to wash us clean
Marvelous colors, satureen green
To forget the past begin anew Rainbow colors, radiant blue
And green and purple
And sparkling red
Upon these colors
We make our bed
And wake up
in the morning dew
Sparkling colors
Filling us thru
And now we cast
A brand new light
To many others
In a plight
We share the love
We share the light
Giving giving
Reveals our might
So mighty warriors
Stand with me
Declaring loudly VICTORY
Over fear, anger
Struggle, strife
Proclaim again
Everlasting life
Love and caring
Depend on us
If we would
Just stand up now
And say aloud
Stand apart Above the crowd
And shine the light
For all to see
Proclaim again VICTORY
Mary Holder (Mary Be Bee Merry) sings
Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 4:27 PM
Beloved Sister Mary (Bee Merry or Impossible Great Dreams of Joy, yet I am a DREAMER and I BELIEVE, therefore CONCEIVED) and all our Relatives,
Yay to VICTORY, that's the place high in the trees. I feel the winds blowing through me. I have caught the plague (joyful dancing and singing) I wanted to set in me, the rushing of my enemies (there I stand to receive, to validate all the leaves, relatives on the tree), for there I will purify their souls, down deep for all to grow (dreams sprouting through). A GREAT DREAM, we need steam (breath of life). Sow gift your breath and give a cheer, for Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy is hear.
I stand with yee, VICTORY.
Bowing to the sacred nine streams and four holy beams, the flowing and the mowing the silos and the filled, the grappling and the stowing, the holding and fulfilled. And when others don't find this passage, we lift them up to say, "It's time to dew/do your blessings, to save your sacred face". Put a smile on yourself and shake in the breeze, for Godly is me and all the leaves (relatives). It's time to appease (receive and validate), with all the loving gifts from our enemies (those who have not found the waves of joy, and just get annoyed).
I said a prayer and all the colors are read, just one more said (god filled breath, the utterance of heavenly transmission), that's the voice I stead. I stand with you, victory.
your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
ps. Thank you for sharing your heart with us Sister Mary (Bee) Holder. Yes, rippling waves. We also couldn't get online last evening, so I just clicked on one of our thousands of sound files and this one came up. I thought it was appropriate and I did want to share it with everyone (again or in the wind). Thus, we shared in song, to help the world get along...

Beautiful~ thank you~
Shared with, "Hoop 6" indigo crystal children adults, the Stepping Stone Group (open to all). Visit this forum at
Hoop 6 (Stepping Stone) - Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)! "I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World"
Ghost Walk (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child.
(solar and lunar calender align, January 1, 2014, a cycle of renewal)
Pray With Elders around the World

Keep the door open when we come home to thee, live inside our hearts with us and know the place of thee, for God is great and living liberty, when wings fly home and we can sea, the winds of time gifts us to be free. Warriors of the Rainbow Clan learning to be Parents and Soldiers to Love in the leaves (relatives in the blue of me and you, the trail of tears). Take up weapons to slain (sever ignorance, with validation, mending two broken hearts), all we don't need. Yet as our hearts tremble (because those who use hate or separation), we stand for LOVE all the way, this means we are loyal to all of God children who breath. We have tears abundant for all who need to forgive their parents and children please. Because a new Dawning is coming, to alleviate all this fuss, and make us be champions, who fight in the dust.

We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, the brotherhood)! *God or G_ah_d: the guttural utterance of our heavenly transmission or our voice, Oneness divine, when each stands sublime! In other words, each takes their part and stands up to their filial duties to the whole of the world, heaven and earth, by serving others and contributing to the benefit of the clan. Heaven reigns, because heaven has one law, and it's the birth of the red road, the law of love. Fire cleanses the soul or your voice you feel upon your heart! Gifted by, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Angel Services Around the World. Thank you for visiting our pages!