Dear Relatives,
I would like to share some feelings and blessings. They can help us but they have to hear our voices. They can help us but they must hear the beat of the drum. The whispering love. The direction, the natural flow that all can have when shared in a way that when I need water it flows my way and when you need water it flows your way. That when we arrive to a pool we have searched for, for days, we would give it to our Brother or our Sister. Bless direction feel space should replace emptiness embrace into one through thought blossomed light. Sending love and blessings to humanity. I love you all. May you all feel love and emanate its grace. JL, aqua child, clouds in the sky rise up and fall down, bring unity all around

The universe is a wonderful parent. If only we listen *•♫♪♥♪♫•* Rainbow Mother Esta Laughing Matriarch Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

I am perfect and I radiate. I trust my soul, eternal wisdom always knows, the bridge into tomorrow, and bridge to yesterday. And I find myself, learning of extraordinary ways. I am perfect and I radiate.

Join the Hoops with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

About the Hoops! IamaSunDance.Info
Join us here at the outer hoop to start to listen in and receive Sacred Song Blessings and articles from Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy where many splendid colors do show the way!
Email to learn about your sacred four directions in the Rainbow Colors (Buffalo Robe) to know just how GREAT you are! Your devoted servant comes receive your blessings and learn how wondrous, your Sacred Song Blessings sings of love right now!

"Ask for your colors you can believe all the rainbow you can receive, the sacred garment of lights that lead, the spreading sheets of leaves. Here the way is clear to be, the loving and sacred tree. Take to your heart all that you believe and come and fly with me!" White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings for You!

Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy Mp3

Relatives, To hear this wonderful Song about "Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy" Click twice for this player. Please Turn Off IamaSunDance.Org Music Player Right Column. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you! Elders Alightfromwithin.Org

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Hoist the Colors of the Rainbow Clan

Rise up, rise up, rise up to seek. There is a flag of hope and we call it liberty. All the colors of the Rainbow shine down on me. Rise up, rise up, rise up to sea. Rise up, rise up, to gain a new world. All the colors of the Rainbow that swirl. We are bound together, like a rolling sea. We are tethered together, the almighty galaxy. Rise up, rise up, to shine another daze. Let us paint a picture, where we all want to praise. Rise up to see................ the magical breeze...........  Rise up, rise up, to share this liberty.

Hoist those colors for all to sea. Sailing down the rainbow for all to believe. Rise up, rise up and shine, another color divine. Rise up, rise up to share our hearts of wheat. Golden fields of rainbows, all Brotherhood will show, we are tethered together, inside this sacred glow. Rise up, rise up to find the waving in the sky. Hoist those colors above you, for all to find the gold, dreams come true, for me and you. Dreams come true, for the almighty avenue (path of the rainbow).

Show me your colors, the magical of your life. Show me your power, the gift the Spirit devise. Show me just how you fly a wave, inside the mortal sky. We are all together, longing for the wide. Great big sea, inside my vision show me. Great big see, I want to share liberty.  Hoist those colors upon this road, wear your constancy as a robe, you are all tied/tide together, one more shore to dye (paint a picture of love).

We are sent for heaven, to ride those sacred waves. We are sent to earth to shine, the rainbow color display. hoist those colors above you, for everyone to see. We are all tethered together, the Rainbow Clan will cleave. Rise up, rise up my Brother. Sister holding your hands. Telling you you have a heart, wonderful demands.

Rise up, rise up to share the world, the souls within this clan, the Rainbow shows us how to bring and just how to understand. Rise up, rise up with the colors, the many shining glee. We are bound together, to make it a holy breeze. Rise up, hoist your colors, for everyone to know. We are all together, the washing of the snow (crystalline stones). And when we find the treasures, let all our hands divine, wash them clean forever, because we are the MAN. Rise up, rise up and shelter all of our divine, the many sacred colors of the Rainbow Clan that shines.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings to bring in holy and the wane, the bowing of the sacred loops, for all to know without shame. And Brother who is standing, near your heart, Holiness David Running Eagle, a Shooting Star to start. Drumming for your hands to bring you liberty. Wash them clean together, then hoist the sails to beam. Rise up, rise up, hoist those colors in the wail. We will shine together in the sacred breeze will tale/tail of the Great Suns of every color.

Prayer Date: 09102013 Hoist the Colors of the Rainbow Clan gifted by, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Angel Services Around the World

Ghost Walk  (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon. 
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child. 
(solar and lunar calender align, January 1, 2014, a cycle of renewal) 
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World For you we sing to know the wind, each day our love shines your way! Do you believe in all the disease or are you going to let us in? For love is here and going to stay, when you let our hearts know the way, join with us to be with thee, for God is Great in liberty. Gift all we have in God's command and now we wait for you to hand, the love we long for each and roaming day, while we wait patiently for thee. For Rainbow Warriors will come home to thee, when you remember the land of thee. The land we seek is inside of thee, the heaven's abounding company. Let our hearts blow in the wind. Let our minds be smiles again. Let the sound of glory live again, when we sing hymns in loving winds again. Hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but we'll be here to hold on to each day, cause Great Spirits coming to save the wretched way, and we are going to be a Sacred Day, when we are here to love the Song God* gives, the prayer of whims, the doors to the wind. We are going home, when we accept the time, when God lives here and we are going to Shine. Keep the door open when we come home to thee, live inside our hearts with us and know the place of thee, for God is great and living liberty, when wings fly home and we can sea, the winds of time gifts us to be free. Warriors of the Rainbow Clan learning to be Parents and Soldiers to Love in the leaves (relatives in the blue of me and you, the trail of tears). Take up weapons to slain (sever ignorance, with validation, mending two broken hearts), all we don't need. Yet as our hearts tremble (because those who use hate or separation), we stand for LOVE all the way, this means we are loyal to all of God children who breath. We have tears abundant for all who need to forgive their parents and children please. Because a new Dawning is coming, to alleviate all this fuss, and make us be champions, who fight in the dust. Planting and rooting, to find the waters edge, there we are the heart of everything said. New stories are abundant to all that we say, and we are going on a journey, that leads us a way (in sacred flight, the souls dream). Into the hearts of those who need light, to bless all their darkness, sow shade will be right (from within the darkness the light is born)(by alleviating their plight, blessed by heaven, the soul's realm through the sacred walk). We are fighting for LOVE every day, including the LOVE of HEAVEN sent. Let us be warriors who stand for what is right, because we show mercy (understanding to your sins), and we have more love to show the way (demanding the sacred path, truth at last). Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, the brotherhood)! *God or G_ah_d: the guttural utterance of our heavenly transmission or our voice, Oneness divine, when each stands sublime! In other words, each takes their part and stands up to their filial duties to the whole of the world, heaven and earth, by serving others and contributing to the benefit of the clan. Heaven reigns, because heaven has one law, and it's the birth of the red road, the law of love. Fire cleanses the soul or your voice you feel upon your heart!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

d: (Happy Face) Prayer, Proclaim Again Victory

To Rainbow Clan and White Buffalo Calf Woman,

Sometimes when I read your postings a song wants to come out of me. I wonder if this is like the drum beat, echoing in my heart or perhaps like the rippling of waves cause by a stone cast into water. Either way, here is the echo, my small contribution of blessing the nine sacred streams and four holy directions.

In joy.....Mary Bee (be merry)

Say a prayer to last awhile
SAy a prayer to make me smile
Cast the prayer upon a breeZe
Let it bring me to me knees

Humbled now forever more
As I wash upon the shore
Of golden beaches shining clear
Not a note to shed a tear

Sparkling waves to wash us clean
Marvelous colors, satureen green
To forget the past begin anew Rainbow colors, radiant blue

And green and purple
And sparkling red
Upon these colors
We make our bed

And wake up
in the morning dew
Sparkling colors
Filling us thru

And now we cast
A brand new light
To many others
In a plight

We share the love
We share the light
Giving giving
Reveals our might

So mighty warriors
Stand with me
Declaring loudly VICTORY

Over fear, anger
Struggle, strife
Proclaim again
Everlasting life

Love and caring
Depend on us
If we would

Just stand up now
And say aloud
Stand apart Above the crowd

And shine the light
For all to see
Proclaim again VICTORY

Mary Holder (Mary Be Bee Merry) sings

Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 4:27 PM
Beloved Sister Mary (Bee Merry or Impossible Great Dreams of Joy, yet I am a DREAMER and I BELIEVE, therefore CONCEIVED) and all our Relatives,

Yay to VICTORY, that's the place high in the trees. I feel the winds blowing through me. I have caught the plague (joyful dancing and singing) I wanted to set in me, the rushing of my enemies (there I stand to receive, to validate all the leaves, relatives on the tree), for there I will purify their souls, down deep for all to grow (dreams sprouting through). A GREAT DREAM, we need steam (breath of life). Sow gift your breath and give a cheer, for Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy is hear.

I stand with yee, VICTORY.

Bowing to the sacred nine streams and four holy beams, the flowing and the mowing the silos and the filled, the grappling and the stowing, the holding and fulfilled. And when others don't find this passage, we lift them up to say, "It's time to dew/do your blessings, to save your sacred face". Put a smile on yourself and shake in the breeze, for Godly is me and all the leaves (relatives). It's time to appease (receive and validate), with all the loving gifts from our enemies (those who have not found the waves of joy, and just get annoyed).

I said a prayer and all the colors are read, just one more said (god filled breath, the utterance of heavenly transmission), that's the voice I stead. I stand with you, victory.

your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

ps. Thank you for sharing your heart with us Sister Mary (Bee) Holder. Yes, rippling waves. We also couldn't get online last evening, so I just clicked on one of our thousands of sound files and this one came up. I thought it was appropriate and I did want to share it with everyone (again or in the wind). Thus, we shared in song, to help the world get along...


Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 4:43 PM Sister Crystal Doherty wrote:

Beautiful~ thank you~

Shared with, "Hoop 6" indigo crystal children adults, the Stepping Stone Group (open to all). Visit this forum at

Hoop 6 (Stepping Stone) - Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)! "I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World" 

Ghost Walk  (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon. 
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child. 
(solar and lunar calender align, January 1, 2014, a cycle of renewal) 
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

For you we sing to know the wind, each day our love shines your way! Do you believe in all the disease or are you going to let us in? For love is here and going to stay, when you let our hearts know the way, join with us to be with thee, for God is Great in liberty. Gift all we have in God's command and now we wait for you to hand, the love we long for each and roaming day, while we wait patiently for thee. For Rainbow Warriors will come home to thee, when you remember the land of thee. The land we seek is inside of thee, the heaven's abounding company. Let our hearts blow in the wind. Let our minds be smiles again. Let the sound of glory live again, when we sing hymns in loving winds again. Hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but we'll be here to hold on to each day, cause Great Spirits coming to save the wretched way, and we are going to be a Sacred Day, when we are here to love the Song God* gives, the prayer of whims, the doors to the wind. We are going home, when we accept the time, when God lives here and we are going to Shine. 

Keep the door open when we come home to thee, live inside our hearts with us and know the place of thee, for God is great and living liberty, when wings fly home and we can sea, the winds of time gifts us to be free. Warriors of the Rainbow Clan learning to be Parents and Soldiers to Love in the leaves (relatives in the blue of me and you, the trail of tears). Take up weapons to slain (sever ignorance, with validation, mending two broken hearts), all we don't need. Yet as our hearts tremble (because those who use hate or separation), we stand for LOVE all the way, this means we are loyal to all of God children who breath. We have tears abundant for all who need to forgive their parents and children please. Because a new Dawning is coming, to alleviate all this fuss, and make us be champions, who fight in the dust. 

Planting and rooting, to find the waters edge, there we are the heart of everything said. New stories are abundant to all that we say, and we are going on a journey, that leads us a way (in sacred flight, the souls dream). Into the hearts of those who need light, to bless all their darkness, sow shade will be right (from within the darkness the light is born)(by alleviating their plight, blessed by heaven, the soul's realm through the sacred walk). We are fighting for LOVE every day, including the LOVE of HEAVEN sent. Let us be warriors who stand for what is right, because we show mercy (understanding of your sins, yet proclaims there shall be purification upon this land, human), and we have more love to show the way (demanding the sacred path, truth at last). Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. 

We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, the brotherhood)! *God or G_ah_d: the guttural utterance of our heavenly transmission or our voice, Oneness divine, when each stands sublime! In other words, each takes their part and stands up to their filial duties to the whole of the world, heaven and earth, by serving others and contributing to the benefit of the clan. Heaven reigns, because heaven has one law, and it's the birth of the red road, the law of love. Fire cleanses the soul or your voice you feel upon your heart! Gifted by, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Angel Services Around the World. Thank you for visiting our pages!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Update

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Hope to welcome you into our hearts to gift you blessings. Please visit warrior and elder blogs.  Thank you for coming to visit us. We send love and blessings for you, in the nine sacred directions (n, s, e, w, here/all around, up and down/wind, in/heart/dark, out/flesh/light, nine sacred directions). 

We hope to join you on the hoops, the four roads of unity, red, blue, yellow and white.  Welcome Home Relatives!

your devoted servants at the hoops, 
Elders, Warriors, Hoop Members and Relatives of the Rainbow Clan!

Here is where you can join to listen in to Crystal Indigo Children and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy.  Subscribe here

Alightfromwithin.Org Presents
Domains also called for our Music 
A Light From Within Blog, Mission and So forth
Blessings For Groups 
Blessings For Individuals
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Musical Collaborations
Elders Migration Voice
The Next Step to Evolution
Grandmothers of the Green Grass
and many many more, just to name a few!

Ordained Four Pedestals
Relatives, This information blows in the wind, please pray and verify for yourself with the Oneness of God, thank you! We appreciate any visions and prayers you wish to share.  Email These houses or clans are led by four crowned lavender persons. They represent the four pedestals of God's Kingdom. Lavender persons represent Holiness, and thus we call all our lavender persons upon this world, Holiness, crowned or not. However, these four are crowned and ordained to be the four pedestals of God's Kingdom. Lavender persons are the gateway into paradise, the sacred fire blessings. They are preparing for the Winds of Heaven to enter our world. Through the support given to these Clans, we support the House of God, as Oneness. This is White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, who has come here to assist this process of Heavenly Winds upon Mother Earth.  We are servants devoted for you, our Relatives of the Rainbow Covenant. We Welcome You Home. Come receive your blessings, where the pure of heart, the lambs of God, have become Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. We love you and bless the sacred nine directions of the winds, the blue or heart of me and you! Aho or May your Spirit Fly Free! For more information please visit

House of the Beloved (Star of David, Walk Home)
Ordained Crown: Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, our Father Red Hand
House of God is My Judge (Star of Daniel, Talk Home)
Ordained Crown: Holiness Rahhaib Down Below our Joy that is Birthed
Blue Lake People (Great Taos, Walk Home)
Ordained Crown: Holiness Looks Back, our Greatness Divine (the crown jewel)
Spirit of the Lake People (Great Sioux, Talk Home)
Ordained Crown: Holiness Looking Horse Who Sits on the Mountain Top our Runs Across the Fields

 Rainbow Warriors of Prophecys
Grandmother Comfort in the Wind your Sunshine Glory Shines, elder Gray child
Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, your Father Red Hand, elder Lavender child
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, elder Crystal child
Southern Season, your Song of Heaven, Green child
Grandfather Holy Spirit, Star/White child
Cup of God That Flips Over and Pours Our, Magenta child
Many More Warriors are linked up with us, just follow the trail and you will find hopefully something that touches your heart. We welcome you home into our hearts, your devoted servants at Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Angel Services Around the World Sharing the Great Give-A-Way. 

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

"I am a Sun Dance and so are you, when you learn to shine A Light From Within!"

We bless the sacred nine directions in this place, upon the internet, we do swim, surfing the waves to distant shores, we bless you and thank you for coming to our door. Thank you relatives for all you do, for allowing us to speak with our solemn view, because we are devoted to those who give and join the hearts, receiving blessings our sacred part. Upon this rainbow colored net we gift you love, bring blessings around the world and hold you close. Keep seeking and dance and find some joy, because we are sharing a glad heart, filled with awe!  We celebrate you!  Welcome home great spirit, a light from within shines, it's time for us to celebrate the sublime.  Hear the bells ring of liberty. We are waiting for you to come home to shine, a sun dance, am I.

Sublime means nobility, majestic, of high spiritual, moral and intellectual worth, 
supreme and lofty. That's the awe inspiring impressive you!

Distributed by 

Here is where you can join to listen in to Crystal Indigo Children and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy.  Subscribe here For you we sing to know the wind, each day our love shines your way! Do you believe in all the disease or are you going to let us in? For love is here and going to stay, when you let our hearts know the way, join with us to be with thee, for God is Great in liberty. Gift all we have in God's command and now we wait for you to hand, the love we long for each and roaming day, while we wait patiently for thee. For Rainbow Warriors will come home to thee, when you remember the land of thee. The land we seek is inside of thee, the heaven's abounding company. Let our hearts blow in the wind. Let our minds be smiles again. Let the sound of glory live again, when we sing hymns in loving winds again. Hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy
ride, but we'll be here to hold on to each day, cause Great Spirits coming to save the wretched way, and we are going to be a Sacred Day, when we are here to love the Song God* gives, the prayer of whims, the doors to the wind. We are going home, when we accept the time, when God lives here and we are going to Shine. Keep the door open when we come home to thee, live inside our hearts with us and know the place of thee, for God is great and living liberty, when wings fly home and we can sea, the winds of time gifts us to be free. Warriors of the Rainbow Clan learning to be Parents and Soldiers to Love in the leaves (relatives in the blue of me and you, the trail of tears). Take up weapons to slain, all we don't need (sever ignorance, with validation, mending two broken hearts). Yet as our hearts tremble (because those who use hate or separation), we stand for LOVE all the way, this means we are loyal to all of God children who breath. We have tears abundant for all who need to forgive their parents and children please. Because a new Dawning is coming, to alleviate all this fuss, and make us be champions, who fight in the dust. Planting and rooting, to find the waters edge, there we are the heart of everything said. New stories are abundant to all that we say, and we are going on a journey, that leads us a way (in sacred flight, the souls dream). Into the hearts of those who need light, to bless all their darkness, sow shade will be right (from within the darkness the light is born)(by alleviating their plight, blessed by heaven, the soul's realm through the sacred walk). We are fighting for LOVE every day, including the LOVE of HEAVEN sent. Let us be warriors who stand for what is right, because we show mercy, and we have more love to show the way. Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, the brotherhood)! *God or G_ah_d: the guttural utterance of our heavenly transmission or our voice, Oneness divine, when each stands sublime! In other words, each takes their part and stands up to their filial duties to the whole of the world, heaven and earth, by serving others and contributing to the benefit of the clan. Heaven reigns, because heaven has one law, and it's the birth of the red road, the law of love. Fire cleanses the soul or your voice you feel upon your heart!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Flaming Star and Great Spirit Mother's Love

Article below about chemical combustion in space. Image Credit: NASA 

Here I shine to bring in thine, the place my heart does soar. I got to be humble breeze, to hold you near the shores. I feel the heart of what you need, to be held in comfort and joy. My heart hears that you are near, my soul is there to hold.

Come shine with me, forever to bee, the dream we need to bee, the heart of loving forever leavening, the breath we need to seek, the heart that always is meek. We can be known, those who sown, the seeds of heaven upon this world. We are true to thee, the heavenly breeze, when we feel the world is grown, the heart with love is sown, into the world we are born. I say, my soul have lots to grow, when I learn to bow like a tree, forever being humble to all needs.

The world is my brethren I need. Holding fast to what we grieve. All our needs are being held. All we have to do is part of this fast wind. Pray my children every day. Pray for rainbows to sail away. Pray that nine directions do shine, forever the rainbow children are born. And pray for guidance of the soul, to lend a hand to solid gold. And when we are heart broke and we are sailing true, my heart is always new. My heart is always knew.

I wish days could sail to eternity, for you to know peace in thee, to bring hearts of longevity, to the gratification of love's eternal sneeze. I bless you in all you do and say. I bless you in all the sacred daze. I bless you in all the world we sea, the heart of feeling the rays of liberty. When we are seeking love's arms around thee, know that comfort lies in the breeze, where the hearts of those who care, always wrap their arms around those who are scared. Just face your demons like you should, bring love's embrace to the clues, then you will find the lessons teaches you the way, into the heart of radiant displays. Dreams will come true for you. Dreams will come true for thee. Dreams will come true you'll sea, because love is here to rescue thee. For love is here to hold you near me. Love is here to flow eternally, the singularity, love blossoms and grows inside of thee.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

A Flaming Star

Fire acts differently in space than on Earth. Sandra Olson, an aerospace engineer at NASA's Glenn Research Center, demonstrates just how differently in her art. This artwork is comprised of multiple overlays of three separate microgravity flame images. Each image is of flame spread over cellulose paper in a spacecraft ventilation flow in microgravity. The different colors represent different chemical reactions within the flame. The blue areas are caused by chemiluminescence (light produced by a chemical reaction.) The white, yellow and orange regions are due to glowing soot within the flame zone.

Microgravity combustion research at Glenn not only provides insights into spacecraft fire safety, but it has also been used to create award-winning art images. This image won first place in the 2011 Combustion Art Competition, held at the 7th U.S. National Combustion Meeting.

Aho Relatives on the Hoops,
In the image there are two morning stars, both eight directions, which then shows 16 extending phalanges or fingers that reach out.  This is the perfect love that never says no, to love's call. This is the representation of Great Spirit Mother, whom our hearts are devoted and our souls assign reign to the heavenly realms. We return to this loving knowledge she is always with us, when we call in our times of need. As rainbow warriors of prophecy, her undying love continues to propagate in our hearts, through all the generations who come before and after us. But during, it has become the responsibility to bless the unseen world she reigns to protect the tears of the foundation of this world, the love's call, we each shed, when our own tears flow. Let us all remember to bless the sacred waters of this Blue Lake World, Mother Earth.  Through her body and through her great willingness to bond with all her children, she offers us perfect love, always and I mean always near you, to hold you and show you the way. All your prayers are heard. 

Now it's our responsibility to bless the warriors she sends to protect us, to be civil and obedient as we can bee. Our dreams help us to ponder on the goodness of a Mother's hearts, always willing to give. But as we know as children, we must act like we care for our relative's needs.  Through prayer, we are able to shine into this world and bring home the blessings, she delivers and makes sure, that warriors of the unseen world are blessed and make it safely back to her arms, to assist other children, who are in need. We are serve to protect the kingdom of God are considered Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, through our sacred devotional acts daily, we inspire others to follow the laws of love that lie upon our hearts. Not the sly and sneaky to pass without purification, but the sly and sneaky who find you did not purify and demand that you do purify, to create a better world for all we hold true to love's calling.

your devoted servant, 
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother 
elder crystal child, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter rainbow warriors of prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
For you we sing to know the wind, each day our love shines your way! Do you believe in all the disease or are you going to let us in? For love is here and going to stay, when you let our hearts know the way, join with us to be with thee, for God is Great in liberty. Gift all we have in God's command and now we wait for you to hand, the love we long for each and roaming day, while we wait patiently for thee. For Rainbow Warriors will come home to thee, when you remember the land of thee. The land we seek is inside of thee, the heaven's abounding company. Let our hearts blow in the wind. Let our minds be smiles again. Let the sound of glory live again, when we sing hymns in loving winds again. Hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but we'll be here to hold on to each day, cause Great Spirits coming to save the wretched way, and we are going to be a Sacred Day, when we are here to love the Song God* gives, the prayer of whims, the doors to the wind. We are going home, when we accept the time, when God lives here and we are going to Shine. Keep the door open when we come home to thee, live inside our hearts with us and know the place of thee, for God is great and living liberty, when wings fly home and we can sea, the winds of time gifts us to be free. 

Warriors of the Rainbow Clan learning to be Parents and Soldiers to Love in the leaves (relatives in the blue of me and you, the trail of tears). Take up weapons to slain, all we don't need (sever ignorance, with validation, mending two broken hearts). Yet as our hearts tremble (because those who use hate or separation), we stand for LOVE all the way, this means we are loyal to all of God children who breath. We have tears abundant for all who need to forgive their parents and children please. Because a new Dawning is coming, to alleviate all this fuss, and make us be champions, who fight in the dust. Planting and rooting, to find the waters edge, there we are the heart of everything said. New stories are abundant to all that we say, and we are going on a journey, that leads us a way (in sacred flight, the souls dream). Into the hearts of those who need light, to bless all their darkness, sow shade will be right (from within the darkness the light is born)(by alleviating their plight, blessed by heaven, the soul's realm through the sacred walk). 

We are fighting for LOVE every day, including the LOVE of HEAVEN sent. Let us be warriors who stand for what is right, because we show mercy, and we have more love to show the way. Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, the brotherhood)! *God or G_ah_d: the guttural utterance of our heavenly transmission or our voice, Oneness divine, when each stands sublime! In other words, each takes their part and stands up to their filial duties to the whole of the world, heaven and earth, by serving others and contributing to the benefit of the clan. Heaven reigns, because heaven has one law, and it's the birth of the red road, the law of love. Fire cleanses the soul or your voice you feel upon your heart! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Our Holy Garden is True!

Heaven come towards me. I feel the rumble and the roar.  Heaven clearly you need fly through me (dog warrior howling) hold me close to you.

Thank you my relative on the tree (growl of the stream, lessons that beam).  Come and lift your breath with me. Can you capture me. I stand free upon the hill. Come capture me.  Feel the thrill.  It's a wind that blows.  Heaven grows and knows .  And my love, live without fear (walk towards, snarl). Gift me yesterday, gift me today, hold back my tears you say. But my heart doesn't feel this way (as I over flow with love's give-a-way).  I stand here, let the river flow. I feel my tears and let them go. I am a river of gold. Just stand here with me. Hold my hand and you will sea. 

Just have to believe. Just have to believe.  Rainbow shine upon this day. Give my heart's radiance away. Show the people how to love. Show them to be pure of heart. Heaven come to me. Stand with me in this disease (impure wind, spiritual oneness). Hold my head up high. Learn to touch the sky.  Hold my hand you say.  

I say did you do blessings today?  (Yes!)  Then warrior are you. You are the true. Let me hold your hands today. Let me show you how to pray. Praise God in you. Praise God there is a view. Praise I stand with you, my holy garden is true.

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! For you we sing to know the wind, each day our love shines your way! Do you believe in all the disease or are you going to let us in? For love is here and going to stay, when you let our hearts know the way, join with us to be with thee, for God is Great in liberty. Gift all we have in God's command and now we wait for you to hand, the love we long for each and roaming day, while we wait patiently for thee. For Rainbow Warriors will come home to thee, when you remember the land of thee. The land we seek is inside of thee, the heaven's abounding company. 

Let our hearts blow in the wind. Let our minds be smiles again. Let the sound of glory live again, when we sing hymns in loving winds again. Hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but we'll be here to hold on to each day, cause Great Spirits coming to save the wretched way, and we are going to be a Sacred Day, when we are here to love the Song God* gives, the prayer of whims, the doors to the wind. We are going home, when we accept the time, when God lives here and we are going to Shine. Keep the door open when we come home to thee, live inside our hearts with us and know the place of thee, for God is great and living liberty, when wings fly home and we can sea, the winds of time gifts us to be free. 

Warriors of the Rainbow Clan learning to be Parents and Soldiers to Love in the leaves (relatives in the blue of me and you, the trail of tears). Take up weapons to slain, all we don't need (sever ignorance, with validation, mending two broken hearts). Yet as our hearts tremble (because those who use hate or separation), we stand for LOVE all the way, this means we are loyal to all of God children who breath. We have tears abundant for all who need to forgive their parents and children please. Because a new Dawning is coming, to alleviate all this fuss, and make us be champions, who fight in the dust. Planting and rooting, to find the waters edge, there we are the heart of everything said. 

New stories are abundant to all that we say, and we are going on a journey, that leads us a way (in sacred flight, the souls dream). Into the hearts of those who need light, to bless all their darkness, sow shade will be right (from within the darkness the light is born)(by alleviating their plight, blessed by heaven, the soul's realm through the sacred walk). We are fighting for LOVE every day, including the LOVE of HEAVEN sent. Let us be warriors who stand for what is right, because we show mercy, and we have more love to show the way. 

Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, the brotherhood)!

* God or G_ah_d: the guttural utterance of our heavenly transmission or our voice, Oneness divine, when each stands sublime! In other words, each takes their part and stands up to their filial duties to the whole of the world, heaven and earth, by serving others and contributing to the benefit of the clan. Heaven reigns, because heaven has one law, and it's the birth of the red road, the law of love.  Fire cleanses the soul or your voice you feel upon your heart!
Aho Mi Familia (My Family),

Bowing to you all. I bless the Sacred Nine Streams and the Four Directions we do all sea. I bless myself to bless the world. I bless you to bless me.

~I wish you well, as you can tell. I love the spring-ness feeling around this time. I love the smell, it is sublime. Like when the bright sunshine hits the dew on a vine. Nothing but nothing gets better with time? Are you kidding me?! Oh, what a line. There's so much of life that's just like fine wine. The longer you wait, the better the taste. We're in no rush, we're not gonna bust. Aren't we learning to be the greatness of US? We will learn patience and how to love the 'all' of us. And won't things be better, when we learn how to trust? And when we learn to forgive and how not to give up?
I sea there's no worries, if in G-ah-d (God) we do trust. And i'm so happy and thankful that i caught the bus. But don't worry if you didn't, don't fret and don't fuss. It'll come back around and come pick you up. On the same road it went down, on it's way back from town. Just give it a minute to circle on back around.

In the meantime, why don't you dance? Or sing us a song. Or sit in a trance. [ :) Meditate ]. I love this life, as i know you dew too. Let's bee the greatness, like she asked us to do. Aho with the love born into you. Here comes the bus...lookey there....right on cue. Now i've got some blessings that i need to do. I send this with love, to each one of you, the brotherhood of the blue and all the colors in you.~

Love and Blessings, and pray for me too. Ask God to help me, dew what I need to do. Thank you.

Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning
Violet child,
{ violet, aqua, magenta, gray: buffalo robe display}
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy,

Blessings and Love and Aho to all my family, the relatives of the ancient and holy tree,

All my love comes to you (the children) in the wind, finding it's way past all of the sin. I do not care if you hated yesterday, it is only in the NOW that we can find our perfect waves. Round and round and round we twirl, you do a dip and I do a whirl. The merry-go-round is happy and gay, and we will find family through-out all the daze. Remember that your Great Spirit Mother and Great Spirit Father are watching you ride, they are waving at you as you pass them on by. Did you climb on a monkey for the circle to be, or did you sit upon the donkey for all he can see? Did you pass by the lion for a ride upon the moon, or did you find your little soul just wanted to sit and spoon? It is all alright if that is your choice, your book of life holds all your sacred voice. Just remember to grab for the rings, and when it is time, climb down into mother's arms to dream.

Aho my little children and grandchildren... fly high and fly free, it is glory you are seeking to bee.

Love Grandmother Comfort in the Wind your Sunshine Glory Shines

Elder gray child, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Walk and Talk This Way!

We who walk the Red Road (law of love) Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy know that this law means; I walk towards. "I fight to unite broken hearts. I flow with the Blue Road, where my heart knows. I fight to stand up to grow, like a tree with a pole, my soul journeys down to green grass valleys, home of the buffalo roam." Welcome Home to evolution's awakening, the third rolling hill in time!

Our FLESH (luminous) walks with the breath over rainbow waves (tools of light or your four rainbow colors, earthly name).
Our SOUL (numinous) rides the storm (mission this life, heavenly name). We talk to and fro like a wave (songs from the heart) between the blue and red roads, like a snake purifying within. This music heals and joy is known. We journey the path of unity, where the yellow light glows and dreams do show out the perfect window. Welcome to the Dawning of Man!

Shame and blame are the past's game, and now we are onto a new frame, the vision of Oneness of heaven above (soul), where song's sing down below (flesh), rejoice I say, rejoice and play, while we learn to live a new way! Brotherhood here we come, let's hop, skip and play!

I Bless Myself and I Bless the World

Sign Guest Book Beloved Children and Warriors

"I Bles Myself" and "I Bless the World"

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